Mette Uldahl


Dr. Mette Uldahl

Vejle Equine Practice,  Cert. Equine Diseases, Vet. Cons. Danish Equestrian Federation, National Head Veterinarian FEI Denmark, 1st FVE Vice President

Mette Uldahl is a veterinarian, who graduated from Copenhagen University in 2001. After that, she worked as a veterinary surgeon in mixed practice (small animal, farm animal and horses). In 2004 she founded a Veterinary practice, which she still runs. She is a certified practitioner in Equine diseases. From 2011, and ongoing, she was appointed as Veterinary Consultant for the Danish Equestrian Federation and as FEI National Head Veterinarian for Denmark. Mette Uldahl has been engaged in European politics since 2011, having been President of FEEVA from 2017-2020. She is currently FVE 1st Vice President. Her work includes appointments and engagement in various EU and European matters. Mette Uldahl also regularly take part in research projects and publications of peer-reviewed papers. Her areas of interest are Animal Welfare, The field of Human-Animal Relationship and Development of the Veterinary Profession.