Mathios E. Mylonakis


Professor Mathios E. Mylonakis

Companion Animal Medicine

Mathios Mylonakis is a graduate of the School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (SVM-AUTh), Greece. In the same institution, he completed a one-year internship in small animal internal medicine and received a PhD degree focusing on the cytologic diagnosis of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. He is currently a Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine at the SVM-AUTh. He has spent several years in first and second opinion private companion animal Clinics. As part of his sabbatical, he has joined the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of California-Davis, USA, and the Medical Oncology Clinic, University of California-Davis, USA. His main clinical and research interests include hematology, diagnostic cytology, and vector borne diseases of the dog and cat. He has authored or coauthored more than 100 international peer-reviewed journal publications or book chapters.