Flora Kaltsogianni

Kaltsogianni Flora photo

Dr. Flora Kaltsogianni

European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology

2001-2008: Studies in Veterinary Medicine in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki.
2008-2009: Internship in Internal Medicine of companion animals, at the Faculty’s Companion Animal Clinic.
2009-2012: ECVD- residency along with participation in teaching and scientific functions of the Faculty’s Companion Animal Clinic.
2012-2020: Worked as Head of Dermatology Department for various pet clinics in Athens metropolitan area.
2020-2024: Working as a freelance Specialist in Veterinary dermatology in Athens metropolitan area.

Since 2011, elected member of the Board of The Hellenic Veterinary Dermatology Society and an active member of the aforementioned Society since 2009. Also a member of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology (ESVD), as well as other scientific societies. Guest speaker in
seminars, conferences and webinars from 2009.