Alexandros Spyridonidis

spiridonidis alex

Prof. Alexandros Spyridonidis

MD, PhD,
Professor of Hematology
Director Div. Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, Director Institute of Cell Therapy, GCP Labs
Director Bone Marrow Donor Center “CBMDP-Save Life” Director MSc “Cell and Gene Therapies”
University of Patras, Greece,
Co-Leader RIC Committee Acute Leukemia WP EBMT, Hellenic Representative European Union, “Tissues and Cells”
JACIE Inspector for Cell Therapy

Alexandros Spyridonidis was born in Greece and studied Medicine in Aristotle U of Thessaloniki, Greece. He completed his doctorate in research Hematology and his specialization in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology in the Dept. of Hematology & Oncology of U Freiburg, Germany and awarded the Venia Legendi (Privat Dozent) (1996-2005). He was appointed as Assistant Professor (2006) and promoted to Professor (2015) of Hematology in U Patras, Greece where he established the “Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit” (JACIE, ISO for clinical trials,, the “Centre of Bone Marrow Donor Volunteers (CBMDP)” (WMDA,, the “Institute of Cellular Therapy” (GMP certified Labs, and the MSc Program “Cell and Gene Therapies: from Bench to Bedside and Good Manufacturing Practices“ ( He spent a research sabbatical at NIH, USA working on the clinical establishment of Cell Therapies (2012). The pipeline of his translational research includes the preclinical and clinical GMP-manufacture of academic Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Cell Products, one of which is currently evaluated in a Phase I/II study (EudraCT-2021-006367-26). He is/was Board Member of the “Hellenic Transplant Organization (HTO)”, the “Scientific Council of the Western Greece Prefecture”, the “Hellenic Society of Hematology” and the “Hellenic Society of Gene Therapy and Regenerative Medicine”. Outside Greece, he is/was Hellenic Representative in European Commission “Directorate Tissues and Cells”, Co-Leader of the RIC-Committee of Acute Leukemia Working Party of EBMT, Board Member of the “Centre of the Study of Hematological Malignancies” Cyprus, JACIE Inspector for Cell Therapies (EBMT), scientific advisor of the Cord Blood Bank U Freiburg and Mentor at the H-Net Masterclass of the European Hematology Association (EHA). He has multiple publications, including a “How I treat” in Blood, and has received numerous honors and awards both national (e.g., Honor Award from HTO) and international (e.g., Van Bekkum Prize from EBMT) as well as multiple research grants in the field of leukemia and cellular therapy (e.g., EU-Hellenic Competitiveness Entrepreneurship Innovation, ELIDEK).